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Hooray! The Client Said ''NO''!

You walk out of the office, shoulders slumped and head hanging low. The meeting...

Prevent Communication Breakdowns

If you can eliminate communication breakdowns between yourself and your clients,...

Sales versus Marketing

I always find it difficult to understand why there is so much confusion surround...

Berlin hotel bar is an inviting saloon with a historic view

BERLIN - Tyranny rules at many hotel bars, where the cocktail list is a bore con...

Mexico's Baja region feels the effects of housing downturn

The U.S. housing slump has spread south across the border, dampening a coastal r...

Feature-rich cell phones are all the rage

''Now, Dasher! now, Dancer! now, iPhone and RIZR!On, Sidekick! on, Shadow! on, D...

A Christmas Feast

There are some Christmas gift staples that are better off left in Christmases pa...

Sales Automation

In an ideal world, management would like to automate the sales process as much a...

Seeking refuge in an airport VIP club can be pricey

The ''perfect storm'' for holiday travelers is gathering fast this year. Packed ...

Rescue committee helps refugees make a living, be successful

As business directories go, it's a modest affair, more Yellow Cover page than Ye...

Financial backers, users benefit from solar power

Four years ago, architect Robert Noble submitted a bid to design a showcase sola...

Can't Sell Today

The following is a diatribe from a fallen sales hero.Can't sell in January. Betw...

Are Football Watchers Better Salespeople?

Each year brings new excitement for every football fan. Maybe this year we'll w...

O Christmas Tree

Now that the turkey, stuffing, and mashed potato haze has completely passed, the...

Education-Based Marketing Can Double Your Sales in 12 Months Flat!

You can attract far more prospects to look at your offers by providing an educat...

Build the Confidence of a Champion

Do you lack confidence? Suffer from low self-esteem? There's no room at the cham...

Creating an Open Climate for Communication

Manny is the owner and general manager of a small, family-owned car dealership. ...

Understanding Buyer Motives

Understanding what information a customer needs to have before he is ready to ma...

Ultimate Perk for the harried traveler ... the butler

MUMBAI, INDIA - The butler did it. He saved me from getting completely lost in t...

Hotels Take Customers' Online Feedback Seriously

Hotelier Robert Rauch has always been a big believer in word of mouth when it co...

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EmploymentCrossing was helpful in getting me a job. Interview calls started flowing in from day one and I got my dream offer soon after.
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